
Working to Educate & Engage our community in support of Israel

Memphis Friends of Israel stands with Israel. 

Memphis Friends of Israel stands side by side with the state of Israel in this hour of attack and crisis.   We are horrified by the barbaric, terrorist attacks by the terror organization, Hamas.   The massacre that they planned and carried out on Israel’s citizens is a depravity that we have not seen since the Holocaust.  We fully support Israel’s right to defend herself and seek justice.   We call on Hamas to release all hostages, surrender and disband their organization, and set the people of Gaza free.  

We put full blame and responsibility on Hamas for all civilian deaths as they planned for the murder of Israeli civilians and use Gazan civilians as human shields to deflect the response. 

The Memphis Friends of Israel will continue to support, pray, and advocate for the State of Israel and all of her citizens to live in security, peace, and prosperity.

Listen here or on your favorite Podcast platform.  Just search for Eye on Israel.

Memphis Friends of Israel Donate

Memphis Friends of Israel is a 501(c)3. All gifts are tax-deductible. 

Send check donations to: 

Memphis Friends of Israel
1910 Madison Avenue #201
Memphis TN 38104
United States

Donate or Sponsor ONLINE

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MFOI Virtual Workshop
Josh Blank, Stand With Us
How to confront Anti-Semitism in conversations

1 year ago

Support Israel Advocacy
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Virtual Workshop

Past Events

2023 Great Conversations Event at Baron Hirsch Synagogue

2023 Germantown Festival

2023 Prayer Dinner for Israel
March 30 Memphis