Dear Friend,
I’m amazed at how many times the word “watchmen” and Christian responsibility to “combat antisemitism” has come up amidst the conversation at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention this year.  NRB is, of course, the largest annual convention of evangelical Christian media broadcasters from around the world and is an event that has been an annual involvement for PJTN for more than a dozen years.  In the early 2000s, shortly after God gave me the vision for establishing a Christian organization in support of Israel and the Jewish people, we became an anchor for Israel’s interests at NRB—becoming, in fact, the “watchmen on the wall” standard amid a sea of Christianity at this convention.  God has been faithful to use PJTN’s award-winning media to influence Christian media in groundbreaking ways—then and now.
Looking out over NRB this year, and seeing the awakening to our call to Christians as watchmen, I am encouraged that indeed we are witnessing that our message is being heard by Christian media—from the floor of NRB to the far reaches of the world.  I could have never imagined from the humble beginnings of PJTN at my kitchen table in 2001 that in less than 20 years, God would take our message global.  Then I was a homeschooling mother of five children, concerned with the insidious antisemitic content I found in our local school textbook materials—and wanting to act as a watchman in waking up other parents to the silent battle being waged for the hearts and minds of our children.  Now, PJTN’s core message has expanded to combating antisemitism in all its virulent forms—and that message is being beamed around the world by almost two dozen NRB TV broadcast partners—many of whom I’m seeing this week.  We are reaching a potential audience of over 2 billion weekly viewers with our award-winning Focus On Israel program.Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin. — Zechariah 4:10  
How faithful God has been to fulfill His word!  I am humbled as I am witnessing before my very eyes the fruit of that “small beginning” and rejoicing this week!
We have not left our first mission as watchmen!  PJTN this week is enlisting many more to join us on the wall!  Christians are finally waking around the world to see the biblical mandate God requires of us on Israel.  
To Jerusalem and the land of Israel, God says the watchmen will hold a vigil day and night for the peace of the people.  I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem: they shall never hold their peace day or night.  You who will make mention of the Lord, do not keep silent. Give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise on the earth. — Isaiah 62
We are casting a wide net this week at NRB—catching Christians and Christian media—who will join us on-the-wall.  Never have increased forces been more needed as antisemitism, anti-Judeo/Christian and anti-American values are being threatened daily.  The global rise of hatred against Jews.  Fake news and devious messaging surround us.  Political voices like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are new “pop culture” heroes calling hatred for Israel inside the halls of Congress.  Turmoil surrounds the walls, but we are on top of those same walls fulfilling God’s mission to “not be silent.”  Because of your voice, PJTN will NEVER be silenced!
Thank you for all you do to make our messaging amplified!  NRB, TV broadcasting, production of programming and on the ground events—all are increasingly expensive necessities for a small non-profit.  We are “small” only in the staff numbers accomplishing these great feats.  Your donations help create messaging miracles and great feats in pushing back darkness as “little is much when God is in it!”

Please today consider becoming a part of all we are doing. Become a PJTN “Watchman” with your donation of only $20 a month.

You can also increase your gift with much needed monthly support.  We can only accomplish all we do with your financial partnership.
Thank you for your prayers—I am feeling them beneath my wings this week! Blessings,
Laurie Laurie Cardoza-Moore
President/Proclaiming Justice to The Nations  
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